To the North, South, East and West, nothing. The curtain falls. End of Act One, Lara Boticário Morais To the North, South, East and West, nothing. The curtain falls. End of Act One, Lara Boticário Morais To the North, South, East and West, nothing. The curtain falls. End of Act One, Lara Boticário Morais To the North, South, East and West, nothing. The curtain falls. End of Act One, Lara Boticário Morais To the North, South, East and West, nothing. The curtain falls. End of Act One, Lara Boticário Morais

To the North, South, East and West, nothing. The curtain falls. End of Act One, Lara Boticário Morais

Project by: DAI / Dutch Art Institute

Designer: Erica Preli

Pages: 64

Format: 120 x 170 mm mm

Price:  10,00

Several stories around an inn with a historical background connected to the Portuguese regime. The history of the space has this paradox of being a manifesto against architecture of its time and at the same time it becomes a symbol of the regime. Departing from a very concrete prove (the building) and a very subjective experience (ones relation with the space) a fiction was created around a history that the writer did not experience.