Time arises in the experience of duration, Klaartje Lesage Time arises in the experience of duration, Klaartje Lesage Time arises in the experience of duration, Klaartje Lesage Time arises in the experience of duration, Klaartje Lesage

Time arises in the experience of duration, Klaartje Lesage

Designer: Malin Gewinner & Dorothee Dähler

Pages: 108

Format: 235 x 310 mm mm

Price:  45,00

Klaartje Lesage is seeking a sense of tranquility and stillness in the overwhelming amount of images to become more aware of the act of looking itself. With a pinhole camera as a reflection-instrument she went for walks in natural environments where human presence is minimal so she could take the time and open her senses. This viewing and photographing experience caused a contemplative effect, which she tries to convey in this book.