Project by: Dutch Art Institute Enschede / DAI, CasCo, Lado Darakhvelidze
Designer: Simone Koller
Pages: 36
Format: 195 x 265 mm
Year: 2010
Price: € 7,00
DAI publication Lado Darakhvelidze. This artist publication presents the idea of artists as ideal media makers. By showing artworks about political and social conflicts, museums and biennals provide access to information which is usually not disclosed in mass media. Museum TV Station promotes the idea of art spaces as ideal media stations, providing open access to information which is usually not disclosed in mass media. For the publication we invited ten artists (Lidwien van de Ven, Wendelien van Oldenborgh, Haejun Jo a.o.) to present an exemplary art project which took a stand on political, economic and social issues. Following the logic of the title, I designed an alternative TV guide by pasting the new material over an existing issue of the publication TVFilm.