Ellipsis after Closure Ellipsis after Closure Ellipsis after Closure Ellipsis after Closure Ellipsis after Closure Ellipsis after Closure Ellipsis after Closure Ellipsis after Closure Ellipsis after Closure Ellipsis after Closure

Ellipsis after Closure

Designer: Nicha Keeratiphanthawong, Tabea Nixdorff

Pages: 132

Format: 160 x 220 mm mm

Price:  24,00

“Ellipsis after Closure” is a 2020 Werkplaats Typografie End of the Year Show in book form by Nicha Keeratiphanthawong and Tabea Nixdorff, with mended hole contributions submitted by participants who took part in hole mending meditation workshops in 2020.

Following endless digital threads of information and being in constant touch with ‘hardware,’ it is easy to forget one’s bodily presence and situatedness. Weavings, just like computer coding, are complex automated nettings. Only the point of rupture—a dropped stitch, like a bug in the code, a systemic error—redirects the attention outside of the machine by requesting a manual intervention.

The book is printed with white ink on black paper, and stitched on a Singer sewing machine.