Art at Large. Through Performance and Installation Art Art at Large. Through Performance and Installation Art Art at Large. Through Performance and Installation Art Art at Large. Through Performance and Installation Art

Art at Large. Through Performance and Installation Art

Project by: ArtEZ Press

Designer: Ilke Gers

Pages: 304

Format: 160 x 230 mm mm

Price:  31,00

Art at Large is a compilation of essays by art historian Marga van Mechelen. It explores the characteristics of Performance and Installation art, emerging forms of art in the early seventies which defied the notions and boundaries of medium-based approaches to contemporary art. In the essays special attention is paid to the intertwinement of different fields and to the mixing of disciplines. In this sense Performance art and Installation art today can be seen as perfect representatives of current developments in Postmodern art and the confirmation of the idea of an art at large.
Handwritten by Ilke Gers