Project by: Speculative Press
Designer: Laura Pappa
Pages: 16
Format: 110 x 240 mm mm
Price: € 3,00
The series Exercises in Practical Mischievery takes a closer look at notable groups and individuals in the production and implementation of various out of the ordinary forms for the distribution of word and thought. This includes using and manipulating existing media channels but also inventing new tools and methods. How could daily theatre be put to work for our benefit in regard to sharing information in our immediate surrounding? The collection, aspiring to become an encyclopedia of sorts, is intended to serve as a catalyst in thinking of freely accessible tools for the dissemination of thought. In this series we will introduce you to: Jan de Jong, Fritz Rainer, Andy Bichlbaum & Michael Bonanno, Yetta Bronstein and (Mrs) Edna Welthorpe.
The series is edited by Aubrie Savage.